Car Air Con – 3 Common Issues and What to Do About Them

When they’re in peak condition Air con systems are fantastic! They help keep you cool on a hot day, defog your windscreen on a cold one and dehumidify when it’s muggy out. But when they don’t work quite as they should, AC systems can be more annoying than advantageous. If you’re experiencing AC trouble, it could be down to one of the three issues below.
car air con dash

Strange Odour

If your car’s air con system is producing a musty, sour or vinegary smell this is likely to be a build up of bacteria in the AC vents or filtration system. This is a common issue and can usually be resolved with an antibacterial clean. The cost for a professional air condition cleaning is usually around £20, however you can also buy antibacterial air conditioning cleaner to do the job yourself for around £5. The cleaner will usually come in an aerosol can and will either need to be dispersed directly into the vent or placed in the foot well and compressed while the engine runs for 10 minutes or so. You will need to exit the vehicle and leave all the doors and windows shut with the air con running so that the treatment can get into the AC system effectively.

If the odour is mild, cleaning the AC yourself may be the most cost effective option but if you’ve got a real humdinger of a smell coming from your vents, a professional clean is probably the way to go!

The best way to avoid odour build up in your AC system is to run the AC regularly, all year round.
air con bad odour  green mist

Blowing Warm Air or ‘Regular’ air Just Like a Fan

Air con that blows hot, warm or just cool rather than cold air is a common problem, but the cause is not always easily identified. This is because an AC system blowing hot air can be caused by several issues however most commonly it is due to low levels of refrigerant/coolant gas. It is possible and fairly easy to ‘recharge’ your car’s refrigerant levels (AKA put refrigerant back into the system) by yourself, however you will need a little knowledge of AC systems and how they work. Refrigerant is a hazardous substance and must be handled with caution. If you are not confident recharging the air con yourself a professional will perform the service for you for around £10 to £20 more than a can of refrigerant.

Another, less common cause for warm air blowing is a faulty component within your AC system. Your AC system uses a compressor to drive the refrigerant through the system, and a condenser to remove heat from the refrigerant. Problems with the compressor or condenser such as blockages, punctures or even faulty cooling fans can all cause problems with your ACs ability to cool air like it should. If you suspect that low refrigerant levels aren’t your ACs problem, ask your garage to perform an AC check. Many garages actually offer this service for free, so it’s best to get a second opinion to determine the cause of the problem, as less reputable garages may try to add on charges for additional work that you don’t need.
car air con warm

Poor Airflow

After time, you may notice your car’s AC system start to blow out less air than it once did. No longer does it blast the car’s interior with a powerful, icy breeze. Instead, all you get now is a weak, waft of cold air. If that sounds like your car then it could be down to one of the issues below.

Broken seal

Your AC system is equipped with multiple seals that prevent air/gas leaks. Over time, these seals can become corroded, broken or loose. To repair seals they will either need to be replaced or reconditioned.


Aside from a funky smell, mould can also cause other issues for your car’s AC including poor airflow. If mould is left untreated it can clog up AC cabin air filter, resulting in poor airflow. If you’re experience both a musty smell and poor flow, mould may be the culprit.

Worn or Faulty Fan

If the AC’s ventilation fan is clogged, worn or faulty this will result in poor airflow.
air con poor air flow

Remember to Keep it Running

One of the best ways to keep your AC system in good, working order is to not neglect it. Run it regularly throughout the year, no matter what the weather. 10 minutes each week should be enough to prevent bacteria build up and the components in good condition. Keeping your car interior clean will also help to reduce the amount of dirt that gets sucked into the system.

We hope you found this article helpful! Remember, if you continue to experience problems with your air con system it is always best to get the problem checked by a professional mechanic. Aside from keeping your air con running, one of the best ways to prevent costly technical problems is to get your car serviced annually.

AP Diesels are diesel injector specialists with years of hands on experience with diesel vehicles. We are proud members of the APRA, the RMI and the SMMT. For any questions surrounding diesel injectors or pumps, whether you are a private owner, garage or diesel parts supplier, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via telephone, email or contact form.
car air con snowflakes